"Aku suka berinteraksi dengan banyak orang. Aku juga suka dengan Idol Group 48 Family, Dan aku memelihara sepasang Sugar Glider bernama Siwon Geliber(m) dan Batty Koda(f) yang biasa dipanggil WOM BAT "


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Review Legally Blonde 2

Elle Woods played by Reese Witherspoon is a Harvard lawyer who goes to Washington D.C. to change the law on animal testing. She runs into the political system, the U.S. Congress. Lucky for her, she meets a doorman, Sidney played by Bob Newhart, who shows her how the system works to get a bill passed. She writes `The Bruiser Bill' and puts it in the hopper of Congress. Elle needs 218 signatures to get her bill to be voted on. She gets some unlikely support from several members of Congress she befriends. To get more support, Elle has a Million Dog March on Washington. Douglas Young (the-movie-guy)

Film ini mengajarkan agar kita berani menjadi diri sendiri dan berani mengungkapkan apa yang ada di pikiran kita. Karena satu suara yang jujur bisa mengalahkan suara seluruh orang. Biarpun pada masa sekarang hal yang dilakukan difilm ini mustahil dilakukan dimasa pemerintahan sekarang :p

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