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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Review Insidious Chapter 2

The movie begins with Josh (played by Patrick Wilson) as a kid having trouble with the old lady with lipstick who killed Elise at the end of the first film. Elise and another man named Carl are summoned to help with the problem because Josh's mother, Lorraine, is worried. In time, they find out his has a special ability of Astral Projecting during his sleep. He then does a game of warmer and colder with Elise and they find him talking to someone and opens a door without any means of human work. Then from there its portrayed in present time.

Fading to Renai and an investigator about the death of Elise, the investigator says he will get back with her to announce whether or not the marks on Elise were by human hands, and most importantly, by Josh. With that, they family moves to Lorraine's house to try to get away from the terrible things that they experienced in the first movie. But as soon as they get there, weird things are already happening. They first begin with Renai, hearing and knowing certain signs, such as the piano playing and the baby chair making noises back and forth. Then later on Lorraine experiences things when she walks in to Dalton's room. Dalton walks up and then tells Lorraine someone is behind her, and she hears things go off and is being chased by the ghost of the lady that haunts Josh. She then goes into the bathroom and is locked and sees the lady. When the door opens it is Josh that is behind the door and he explains everything is okay.

With such creepy things happening, everyone is on edge, and while Josh is taking the kids to school, Renai gets jumpy. She sets things up with the baby (baby speakers) and she then sees a roman on the couch with a victorian age dress. The lady then gets up and you can hear her talking to the baby through the speakers. Renai runs up the stairs to the room only for the door to close in her face and lock. Renai then hears the lady talking to the baby with a creepy voice and then she hears the lady smack the baby while it cries. The door then opens and the baby is missing, with that Renai runs downs stairs and the lady catches her off guard, scream "HOW DARE YOU!!" and smacks her so hard she gets knocked out.

Meanwhile, Lorraine, troubled by the strange sightings, and the way Josh has been acting, decides to visit Specks and Tucker (the two paranormal investigators who worked with Elise when she was alive) to try and see if there was a way they could help her to uncover the strange goings-on, Specks and Tucker are unable to help her, but when Lorraine says "if only Elise was still here" they then remember on who to contact. Carl, the spirit medium from 1986, appears at Elise's house, where he apologizes for not contacting them through fear of what he saw back then. He listens to Lorraine's story, and decides to contact Elise from the other side with the usage of word dice to allow Elise to reply to their questions. Lorraine, Specs and Tucker sit around a circular table as Carl begins to ask Elise questions. He rolls the word dice and asks Elise if she is there, and three dice placed together made the word "yes". He then asks Elise "who killed you?", rolls the dice and gets the reply "she did." Carl then asks, "where is she?" rolls the dice to get the reply "hiding." They then ask where, and Elise tells them about an abandoned hospital that Lorraine used to work at, where Lorraine said that the ordeal with Josh had first begun.

Back at Lorraine's home, Josh had returned home to find Renai on the floor unconscious, a visually troubled Josh can be seen trying to pick up Renai from the floor, but his personality then changes as he begins to sniff Renai's hair.

Renai regains consciousness, claiming that their baby has been stolen, but Josh calms her and shows that their daughter is in the cot and is fine. Renai attempts to convince Josh that something is attacking them again and that they must move away because of what happened, a stubborn Josh denies her request and explains that their problems would disappear if they ignore them. Just then, both Renai and Josh hear the piano playing, they go together to find the cause of the sound, but there is no one present at the piano. Reneai then realizes that the tune being played on the piano is the one she made for Josh, but when she tells Josh this, Josh shows no memory of this. Due to rising suspicion from Renai about Josh's well-being, Josh rushes Renai out of the room, telling her not to worry and as Josh looks back into the room he smiles and says "Your home is the Shadows now." As he leaves, the real Josh in astral-projection form is sitting at the piano. He bangs against in the keys in frustration and screams, "Help!"

The next morning, Dalton speaks to his mother Renai about his reappearing nightmares involving the dead and the old woman, but most importantly, he is greatly troubled by what he has seen in his father. The night Renai confronts Josh about seeing the woman in their house, Dalton manages to see from a corner of a hallway in the house his father Josh scolding him self profusely, and speaking to another individual and remarking how the other individual must leave or go away. Dalton, clearly aware of the fact that nobody else was with Josh when he was speaking, insinuates to Renai that the physical Josh Lambert is not occupied by the soul of the true Josh Lambert.

Lorraine, Specs, Tucker, and Carl go to the hospital and Carl helps them find the right room. Lorraine remembers the room as an ICU unit she worked in, and where everything started.

Back in 1986, it shows Lorraine and Josh walking into the room, and they see an old patient named Parker Crane who is asleep. Josh looks away, and suddenly Parker attacks him, and the nurses hold him down and Lorraine and her son Leave. Later, it shows Lorraine getting on an elevator, and Parker gets on, and she tries to make small talk with him and he does not respond. They arrive on their floor and he gets off and she goes to the receptionist and asks her why Parker is up and walking. The receptionist then explains that Parker had jumped off of the building that morning, and died.

Back in the present, Lorraine, Specs, Tucker, and Carl go to find the records on Parker, and find out where his old house was. They investigate, and find it abandoned. They go up to Parker's room and find a little girl who tells them to go before her mother finds them and she has to kill them. Then Carl goes back down stairs and uses his dice, and they realize that the lady was the one talking to them and was messing with them the whole time. They enter another room to find people sitting down in rows under cloths, and they find a chest full of newspaper articles on a serial killer who wore a black wedding dress. They find the black wedding dress on a manikin and Carl puts his hand on it to find out what went on with it. He sees a man putting on women's makeup and murdering a young woman. They figure out that Parker is a serial killer who puts on a woman's black wedding dress and kills young woman, which explains the people under the cloths, who are his victims.

With the new information, they understand what they're really dealing with, and they head home to try to tranquilize Josh and get into his head. But things go wrong, and Carl is "killed" while Specs gets knocked unconscious, and Josh stabs Tucker with the hypodermic syringe, rendering him unconscious, too.

Now in the Further/Shadows, Carl finds Josh and they figure they need to get Josh back in his body, so they try to find Elise, they than go to Josh's old house from Insidious 1, and they see Parker in the window going to try to kill and take the baby, he then goes in and run up stairs and Elise pops out and kills the demon trying to take the baby. Elise then recommends they go back to the place where Parker and the mother once lived in order to try to end where it all began.

In present time, Josh has sent a text to Renai as Carl saying it's safe and to go to the house and they drive over, once Renai and Lorraine get there though, they are attacked by Josh and Dalton comes and hits him long enough for Renai and the two boys to run into the basement and hide. Dalton then goes asleep to try and help rescue Josh's soul.

Back to the Further, they arrive at Lorraine's house where they find the way to the lady's house, and they enter, they find Parker on the bed dressed as a girl. Parker yells at them saying to get out and that his name is Parker, his mother then walks in with a drawing Parker had made, she yells at him saying DID YOU DO THIS. He denies at first and then says yes, and she yells, HOW DARE YOU and smacks him. She then says his name is not Parker because his father named him that, and his real name is Marilyn. The mother then looks over and becomes aware of them watching them. She screams at them and Elise and Carl are hurtled backwards out of the room with the door slamming violently before them. Parker's mother faces Josh alone. She then makes all the people Parker killed appear in the room under white sheets. They proceed to taunt Josh.

The next scene cuts back and forth between our world and the Further. In real time, Josh is just about in the basement to attack Renai and the boys. He breaks in past their barriers and pushes Renai down to kill her. He is momentarily distracted when he sees Dalton asleep. As he raises a hammer to kill Dalton, right when is about to attack, Dalton, Josh, and Elise in the Further are being assisted by Parker who is the only one who can open his childhood bedroom door that Mrs. Crane slammed. Once he does this, Elise beats Mrs. Crane with a rocking horse and kills her once and for all as Parker destroys all memories of his mother. Then Carl and Josh run out of the room, find Dalton, and make their way back into the real world, fighting off attacking spirits in the darkness who are anxious to leave the Shadows for our world. Just before this, they say their goodbyes to Elise, who is transported automatically back to "the Good Place". (When she saw Carl for the first time in the Further and hugged him, she had detected a heart beat within him, signifying that he wasn't truly dead, so she told him he did not belong there and to hurry along with Josh and Dalton to the real world so he wouldn't get trapped in the Shadows.)

In Present Time/Real World, they all wake up in their normal bodies with their own spirits. In the next scene, they are all seated in Josh's living room before Carl who tells him that he can now hypnotize them, just as Elise did to young Josh back in 1986, to make them "forget" how to astral project, preventing them from going back to the Further in their dreams and inadvertently bringing spirits back with them. They close their eyes; the camera zooms in on Josh's face, serene and beginning to forget.

- Final Scene -

Instead of the usual fade to black, the screen slowly brightens to a blinding white and then we see a sky filled with clouds. The camera pans down from the sky to a different house where Specs and Tucker knock on the door and are greeted by a family. Specs tells the man to please hear him out; that Specs and Tucker are there to deliver a message to their relative, Allison. Allison is the sole survivor of the Bride in Black's killing spree, the only one who got away and gave a description to the police for the story in the newspaper that was found earlier in Parker Crane's dilapidated house.

At the door, the family's little girl asks them, "Who's the woman behind you?" Specs and Turner turn around and see no one. Next, we see through the little girl's eyes, and Elise is standing behind them. She smiles at the little girl and puts her finger to her mouth, saying "shhhh". She walks past them into the house where a young woman sits unresponsive in a wheelchair. In the background, we can hear the parents of the little girl telling Specs and Turner that they have been having problems with unseen, malevolent entities in their home. Elise crouches in front of Allison, smiles kindly, and begins talking to her, trying to help draw her out of the Further. She hears something above them, looks up, sees the light fixtures swaying - and something else - and her smile disappears. Then we hear a creaking, grotesque, guttural noise in the shadowy corner of the room behind Allison. The camera pans up; we see nothing - yet - behind her; but Elise does, and the expression on her face is one of abject terror as she exclaims, trembling, "Oh . . . my . . . God!" - imdb

Cerita lanjutan dari Insidious pertama, beberapa point dari film tersebut dapat ditebak. Tetapi tidak sedikit hal yang membuat kita kaget karena perkembangan cerita yang tidak terduga.Di ending film pun kembali lagi james wan membuat ending yang menggantung yang seolah-olah film ini bisa dilanjutkan dengan cerita lain lagi atau malah selesai begitu saja dan membuat penonton menjadi penasaran.

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