"Aku suka berinteraksi dengan banyak orang. Aku juga suka dengan Idol Group 48 Family, Dan aku memelihara sepasang Sugar Glider bernama Siwon Geliber(m) dan Batty Koda(f) yang biasa dipanggil WOM BAT "


Friday, November 29, 2013

Sejarah Perkembangan Multimedia di Indonesia

Pada awal tahun 1993, Satelindo adalah perusahaan swasta yang pertama terjun pada bisnis layanan satelit dengan meluncurkan Satelit Palapa C1. Satelit Palapa C1 dan lalu C2 bakal berumur hingga 14 tahun. Satelit-satelit ini telah digunakan secara luas oleh beberapa negara di ASEAN. Indonesia antara lain menggunakannya untuk layanan komunikasi yang dikelola oleh Telkom dan Indosat, juga untuk layanan siaran televisi 5 TV swasta dan TVRI. Bahkan digunakan untuk 5 channel siaran langsung TV Satelit Indovision (Direct Broadcasting Satelite) yang kini sudah berkualitas digital (19 channel). Bahkan tengah November lalu, PT. Media Citra Indostar telah meluncurkan satelit Cakrawarta-1 untuk menggantikan kerja Satelit Palapa C2 dalam mengudarakan siaran Indovision. Dengan satelit ini Indovision kelak akan menyelenggarakan layanan yang bisa disebut layanan interaktif, karena akan tersedia antara lain layanan teleconference, Video on Demand (VoD), home shopping, home banking dan komunikasi data (internet). Ada dua perusahaan multimedia baru lainnya yang segera akan beroperasi dengan jaringan kabel serat optik, yaitu PT Indonusa Telemedia dan Multimedia Nusantara. Perusahaan-perusahaan multimedia lainnya adalah: PT Multi Media Asia Indonesia, PT Yasawirya Tama Cipta. Sehingga Indonesia boleh disebut sekarang telah memasuki era industri multimedia

Meski layanan multimedia sudah dioperasikan di Indonesia, namun terminologi mengenai multimedia sendiri belum lagi akrab dengan masyarakat Indonesia. Multimedia lebih akrab dipahami sebagai satu pencapaian teknologi pada personal computer (PC). Jika sebuah PC disebut multimedia, maka PC tersebut memiliki kemampuan menampilkan gambar bergerak dan suara, misalnya dari Video Compact Disc, Audio Compact Disc, serta dapat berkomunikasi antar komputer atau jaringan komputer melalui modem.
Padahal multimedia memiliki arti yang lebih luas. Multimedia merupakan keterpaduan teknologi informasi (misalnya komputer) dengan teknologi komunikasi (misalnya jaringan kabel coaxial atau satelit). Kalau dipisahkan berdasarkan etimologi kata multimedia terdiri dari multi dan media. Multi berarti beragam, sedangkan Media berarti sarana penyampaian informasi.
Sedangkan menurut Wahyu Wijayadi dalam sebuah makalah sebuah seminar yang diselenggarakan Indosat yang berjudul ”Perkembangan Teknologi Multimedia dan Implementasinya”, multimedia terdiri dari (1) unsur suara, (2) unsur gambar atau video, (3) unsur teks/data, (4). terpadu dalam satu media penyampaian, (5). Interaktif/bukan informasi satu arah. Sedangkan jenis jasa multimedia terdiri dari dua, yaitu berdiri sendiri (stand alone/off line), dan terhubung dengan jaringan telekomunikasi (network-online).
Banyak perkembangan-perkembangan baru setelah diluncurkannya Satelit Palapa C1 & C2 beberapa tahun yang lalu. Seperti misalnya ditaburkannya satelit komunikasi di atas langit Indonesia oleh perusahaan-perusahaan asing di mana banyak pengusaha Indonesia terlibat dalam kepemilikan saham di dalamnya, di antaranya adalah PT. Bakri Communication Corporation pada Irridium Project, sebuah proyek telepon satelit dunia untuk memecahkan masalah blank spot pada telepon selular biasa, AMPS atau GSM. Indosat pun masuk menjadi salah satu pemodal pada konsorsium ICO Global Communication (ICO-GC), sebuah telepon satelit setelah Irridium.

Sementara di belahan lain dari bumi ini, Microsoft dengan beberapa perusahaan juga telah merambah pada industri satelit layanan komunikasi yang lain, seperti internet, video conference atau video on demand. Proyeknya yang terkenal sekarang ini adalah CyberStar atau “Internet di Angkasa” yang mungkin akan menyediakan layanannya di Indonesia.
Selain bisnis ternyata politik pun ikut mengembangkan multimedia di Indonesia. Sejak Pemilu beberapa bulan lalu PT. Telkom berharap tidak ada satu kecamatan pun di Indonesia yang tidak bisa dihubungi lewat sambungan telepon dengan teknologi satelit VSAT (very small aperture terminal). Sayangnya fasilitas yang sudah dimiliki ini tidak berfungsi pada saat kebakaran hutan dan bencana kelaparan di Indonesia. Entah kenapa….
Untuk mengantipasi datangnya era ini, saya sajikan homepage ini, berisi kumpulan informasi mengenai perkembangan multimedia di Indonesia dan di dunia secara umum Homepage ini bisa disebut satu-satunya yang secara khusus berbicara mengenai multimedia. Di dalam homepage ini tersedia banyak link ke situs-situs yang berkaitan dengan multimedia, sehingga bisa diandalkan bagi yang ingin melihat perkembangan multimedia dari waktu ke waktu.
Tulisan atau artikel mengenai multimedia harus diakui sangat jarang, bahkan pada suratkabar besar seperti Kompas, Suara Pembaruan dan Republika. Bahkan kita belum punya majalah atau terbitan berkala yang khusus menyajikan perkembangan industri multimedia di Indonesia, seperti yang terbit di negara-negara lain. Meski demikian berita mengenai kegiatan bisnis multimedia kerap muncul. Ini menggambarkan maraknya perkembangan bisnis multimedia di Indonesia. Rupanya secara intelektual bidang ini kurang dilirik oleh para akademisi. Atau sebaliknya berarti para akademisinya sudah terjun langsung menjadi praktisi multimedia di perusahaan-perusahaan multimedia dan tidak sempat untuk membagi pengetahuan ini ke publik. Padahal Membagi informasi perkembangan multimedia kepada publik akan menstimulasi pengembangan industri multimedia.
Jika apa yang sudah dilakukan Peter Gontha selama ini, yaitu terjun mengembangkan multimedia di Indonesia, diikuti oleh banyak pengusaha lain tentu kita bisa berharap bahwa era informasi di Indonesia dapat lebih cepat menghampiri. Meski pemerintah Indonesia tidak seperti Pemerintah Malaysia yang telah mencanangkan program nasionalnya secara khusus, yaitu Multimedia Super Corridor, Indonesia cukuplah memiliki Peter Gontha, Abu Rizal Bakri, Youk Tansil dan bahkan Sudwikatmono (tanpa mengurangi respek saya kepada orang-orang yang giat mengembangkan multimedia di Indosat dan Telkom) sebagai pelopor dan pejuang pengembangan multimedia di Indonesia. Sehingga kita bisa optimis bahwa masa depan Indonesia akan lebih baik dari sekarang. Karena saat itu semua orang dapat meraih salah satu sisi baik multimedia yaitu memberikan kesempatan yang sama bagi setiap orang untuk mencerdaskan dirinya melalui tersedianya akses-akses kepada informasi yang seluas langit sebagai salah satu tempat di mana infrastruktur multimedia ditempatkan.
Memang, saya harus katakan bahwa seluruh layanan multimedia saat ini adalah bukan bisnis yang selalu menguntungkan. Contohnya adalah layanan televisi satelit Indovision sebagai salah satu layanan multimedia. Bisnis ini di Indonesia kurang menajamkan kekuatan marketingnya, sehingga layanan Indovision ini menjadi sangat ekslusif. Ada 1 juta antena parabola yang bertebaran di seluruh Indonesia yang diharapkan beralih ke Indovision pada saat peluncuran pertama Indovision. Sementara itu perilaku pemirsa pada saat itu belum mengenal kebiasaan membayar siaran TV dan acara-acara yang 100% asing (berbahasa Inggris). Indovision hingga sekarang masih membutuhkan upaya yang lebih keras untuk mendapatkan pelanggan sebanyak yang diharapkannya. Meski pertumbuhan pelanggan Indovision ini tergolong lambat, namun Indovision telah membuka jalan bagi perusahaan TV Bayar lain untuk terjun di industri ini. Sehingga perusahaan lain akan lebih mudah memasuki pasar yang telah terbentuk untuk menerima siaran TV bayar dan program asing, apa pun sistem dan teknologinya.
Sepuluh tahun yang lalu kebutuhan pada alat telekomunikasi seperti telepon belum seperti sekarang, terutama di kota besar. Ketika jalan-jalan semakin macet dan waktu terasa semakin pendek, komunikasi melalui telepon menjadi kebutuhan yang tak terelakkan untuk tetap lancar dalam melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari. Padahal sepuluh tahun yang lalu itu sedikit yang menyadari bahwa telepon adalah kebutuhan mutlak pada 10 tahun mendatang di kota-kota besar. Demikian juga keberadaan Personal Computer (PC) yang sekarang seperti peralatan audio system atau TV berwarna di rumah-rumah pada 10 tahun yang lalu. Atau sekarang kebutuhan akses ke internet bagi kantor-kantor dalam rangka agar tidak tercerabut dari trend dari bidang yang digelutinya serta untuk mendapatkan layanan e-mail yang mulai menggantikan fax machine. Perlahan tapi pasti layanan interractive data communication seperti Internet ini akan mengulang sejarah yang sama bagi telepon atau PC beberapa tahun lampau. Itu memang sudah nampak dari usaha-usaha yang telah dilakukan untuk mengembangkan layanan ini. Contohnya adalah WEB TV yang sekarang sudah dipasarkan. WEB TV adalah layanan internet melalui pesawat TV bukan melalui PC. Dengan menambahkan beberapa peralatan tambahan, modem, remote control atau keyboard dan dihubungkan dengan telephone line atau antena microwave/satelit maka jadilah pesawat TV biasa sebagai layar monitor untuk menjelajahi jaringan informasi seluruh dunia internet. Bayangkan saat itu di mana ibu-ibu rumahtangga menjelajahi internet untuk berbelanja fashion, makanan, jasa perjalanan, bahkan ramalan cuaca dan lain-lain. Juga akan bertumbuhan usaha-usaha yang berbasis rumah yang sebagian dikelola oleh para ibu rumah tangga, seperti jasa layanan komputer, jual-beli barang, disain graphis, arsitektur, kesehatan, konsultasi, penitipan anak yang bisa dikontrol melalui jaringan multimedia dan lain-lain.
Perkembangan multimedia dalam beberapa tahun belakangan ini telah melahirkan suatu pertanyaan malu-malu, yaitu apakah yang terjadi dengan pembatasan terhadap akses informasi dan kebebasan berekspresi yang dulu diberlakukan? Harus diakkui, perlahan, kemilau dari kemajuan teknologi multimedia terutama dari 5 broadcast TV swasta telah mempurukkan pembatasan itu. Maka pertanyaan berikutnya adalah: kemanakah arah perkembangan multimedia 5 tahun mendatang? Atau: kemanakah arah peradaban manusia? Jawabannya mungkin akan bergantung pada kemana kita akan mengarahkannya.

sumber : http://gunorocloser.wordpress.com/2013/03/31/sejarah-dan-perkembangan-multimedia-di-indonesia-2/

komentar :
Perkembangan industri multimedia yang demikian cepat harus didukung oleh tersedianya sumber daya manusia Indonesia yang kompetitif, sehingga lahan yang empuk ini tidak diserbu oleh tenaga kerja asing yang sudah terlalu banyak merambah di Indonesia. Terjun di bidang teknologi multimedia merupakan profesi baru yang sedang dibutuhkan pada saat sekarang dan yang akan datang. Imajinasi yang kuat diperlukan di bidang ini untuk dapat membayangkan, melihat potensi, menciptakan apa yang tidak terbayangkan oleh kebanyakan orang saat ini.
Usaha pengembangan industri multimedia di Indonesia membutuhkan lebih banyak orang seperti itu untuk menyiapkan jalan menuju peradaban baru manusia di masa mendatang. Mereka bukan hanya para konglomerat yang mudah baginya untuk terjun ke dalam industri apa pun. Namun tanpa didukung oleh sumber daya manusia yang handal, apa lah artinya

Dampak Positif Negatif Multimedia


Penggunaan komputer untuk menyajikan dan menggabungkan teks, suara, gambar, animasi dan video dengan alat bantu (tool) dan koneksi (link) sehingga pengguna dapat bernavigasi, berinteraksi, berkarya dan berkomunikasi dan multimedia sebagai proses komunikasi interaktif berasaskan teknologi komputer yang menggabungkan penggunaan unsur-unsur media dalam menyajikan informasi.


Perkembangan teknologi multimedia membuka potensi besar dalam perubahan cara belajar, cara memperoleh informasi dan sebagainya. Dengan perkembangan multimedia ini juga membuka peluang bagi para pendididik untuk mengembangkan sistem pembelajaran supaya menghasilkan hasil yang optimal. Demikian pula bagi peserta didik,dengan multimedia diharapkan mereka akan lebih mudah menentukan dengan cara apa dan bagaimana menyerap informasi yang disampaikan secara cepat dan efisien. Sumber informsi dan ilmu yang mereka peroleh tidak lagi hanya terpaku pada buku tetapi lebih luas dan beraneka ragam. Apalagi dengan adanya jaringan internet yang akan membuat kemudahan dalam memperoleh informasi yang diperlukan.

• Siswa / mahasiswa menjadi tidak mudah bosan dihadapkan hanya pada buku teks.
• Suasana pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang interaktif akan menggalakkan komunikasi berbagai hal ( pelajar-guru, pelajar-pelajar, pelajar-komputer )
• Gabungan berbagai media yang memanfaatkan sepenuhnya indra penglihatan dan pendengaran mampu menarik minat belajar.
• Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi (TI) Pada bidang Pendidikan, dampak yang muncul ialah kegiatan belajar dan mengajar yang dikenal dengan konsep e-Learning.

• Sejumlah perusahaan memberikan training pada pegawainya dengan materi training berbasis multimedia dalam bentuk simulasi.
• Misalnya:
• NASA menggunakan multimedia untuk training flight control bagi calon astronot

• Multimedia membuat edukasi menjadi lebih menarik = edutainment
• Multimedia sebagai pendukung kegiatan entertainment = animasi dan laser show yang terintegrasi pada konser musik
• Video/music Player

Kini telah terdapat alat-alat medis kedokteran serba canggih untuk megetahui atau mendeteksi keadaan tubuh dalam manusia. Seperti USG, Rontgen, Tensi darah, alat citiscan, HD, dll.

 Dalam melakukan aksi kampanye pada jaman sebelum multimedia belum terlalu berkembang masih menggunakan lisan atau tulisan di selembaran atau sticker atau baleho. Kini setelah multimedia berkembang sangat baik, aksi kampanye telah menyebar ke dunia maya.

• Dengan adanya pembelajaran jarak jauh atau e-Learning selain berbagai dampak positif yang di dapat ada juga beberapa nilai kurang baik yakni tidak adanya interaksi secara langsung sehingga pengajar tidak akan lebih intensif memonitori prilaku atau etitude pelajarnya dan pengurusan sertifikasi hasil belajar di nilai rumit
• Keberadaan guru dan tenaga pelajar sudah tidak lagi di prioritaskan
• Baru-baru ini banyak oknum-oknum yang memanfaatkan program sertifikasi yang di adakan oleh lembaga atau instansi tertentu contoh:sertifikasi dari Microsoft Corporation yang terdapat penjokian di dalamnya

• Adanyanpihak-pihak yang melakukan black market (ilegal) dalam internet
• Hacker melakukan hacking guna proses transaksi

• Multimedia dalam bentuk gambar atau video banyak gambar atau film yang mengandung pornografi dan kekerasan yang bisa mengakibatkan dorongan kepada seseorang untuk bertindak kriminal.

• Dengan kemajuan multimedia praktek aborsi ilegal pun dapat dilakukan dengan tool-tool multimedia.
• Banyaknya pabrik toko narkoba menunjukan begitu mudahnya penggunaan multimedia untuk transaksi obat-obatan terlarang.

• Para elit politik pada pileg dan pilpres banyak menggunakan black campaygn (kampanye hitam) melalui internet beligho,spanduk dsb
• Dengan adanya kemajuan teknologi multimedia para koruptor dapat leluasa untuk melakukan aksinya, walaupun saat ini ada teknik penyadapan dari instansi yang berwenang tetapi cara itu belum sepenuhnya menjerat para koruptor.

sumber : http://www.va-media.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1647

komentar :
Dari hari kehari perkembangan multimedia semakin maju, hal ini disebabkan semakin beraneka ragamnya kebutuhan akan multimedia. Semakin banyaknya software yang bermuculan untuk membuat aplikasi berbasis multimedia.Apabila digunakan dengan baik, bisa luar biasa bermanfaat, khususnya bagi generasi muda dalam bidang pendidikan, materi pelajaran bisa disampaikan dalam berbagai bentuk, gambar, animasi, film, suara dan konten2 interaktif.

Pengertian Multimedia

Multimedia adalah penggunaan komputer untuk menyajikan dan menggabungkan teks, suara, gambar, animasi dan video dengan alat bantu ([tool]) dan koneksi ([link]) sehingga pengguna dapat ber-([navigasi]), berinteraksi, berkarya dan berkomunikasi. Multimedia sering digunakan dalam dunia hiburan. Selain dari dunia hiburan, Multimedia juga diadopsi oleh dunia game.
Hiburan dan seni rupa juga dibantu oleh multimedia , terutama membantu dalam hiburan untuk mengembangkan efek khusus dalam film dan animasi. Permainan multimedia adalah hobi populer dan program perangkat lunak yang tersedia baik sebagai CD-ROM atau online. Video game untuk anak-anak dan orang dewasa juga menggunakan fitur multimedia yang memberikan efek 3D dan membuat gambar menjadi hidup. Dalam seni ada artis multimedia yang menggunakan multimedia yang efisien untuk mendapatkan efek yang berbeda dan teknik. Pendekatan lain menciptakan tampilan tradisional seni rupa yang dapat dengan mudah dilihat di galeri seni. Merekam materi digital mungkin hanya sebagai tahan lama dengan salinan sempurna setiap waktu.  

Multimedia dimanfaatkan juga dalam dunia pendidikan dan bisnis. Di dunia ppendidikan, multimedia digunakan sebagai media pengajaran, baik dalam kelas maupun secara sendiri-sendiri. Di dunia bisnis, multimedia digunakan sebagai media profil perusahaan, profil produk, bahkan sebagai media pelatihan dalam sistem e-learning.
Pada awalnya multimedia hanya mencakup media yang menjadi konsumsi indra penglihatan (gambar diam, teks, gambar gerak video, dan gambar gerak rekaan/animasi), dan konsumsi indra pendengaran (suara). Dalam perkembangannya multimedia mencakup juga kinetik (gerak) dan bau yang merupakan konsupsi indra penciuman. Multimedia mulai memasukkan unsur kinetik sejak diaplikasikan pada pertunjukan film 3 dimensi yang digabungkan dengan gerakan pada kursi tempat duduk penonton. Kinetik dan film 3 dimensi membangkitkan sens rialistis.
Bau mulai menjadi bagian dari multimedia sejak ditemukan teknologi reproduksi bau melalui telekomunikasi. Dengan perangkat input penditeksi bau, seorang operator dapat mengirimkan hasil digitizing bau tersebut melalui internet. Pada komputer penerima harus tersedia perangkat output berupa mesin reproduksi bau. Mesin reproduksi bau ini mencampurkan berbagai jenis bahan bau yang setelah dicampur menghasilkan output berupa bau yang mirip dengan data yang dikirim dari internet. Dengan menganalogikan dengan printer, alat ini menjadikan feromon-feromor bau sebagai pengganti tinta. Output bukan berupa cetakan melainkan aroma.
Multimedia membuat situs yang menarik dan inovatif dalam, fungsi desain dalam hal tujuannya, mudah dinavigasi, sering diperbarui dan cepat untuk men-download. Home page dari setiap produksi multimedia harus selalu tengara, dapat diakses dari manapun di bagian multimedia.

Multimedia sedang digunakan secara luas dalam berbagai bidang karena kecepatan dan fleksibilitas. Salah satu contohnya adalah di bidang kedokteran mana, dokter dilatih dengan melihat operasi virtual dan dapat mensimulasikan bagaimana tubuh manusia dipengaruhi oleh virus dan bakteri membantu mereka untuk mengembangkan teknik yang berbeda untuk mencegahnya

Desain grafis adalah suatu bentuk komunikasi visual yang menggunakan teks dan gambar untuk menyampaikan informasi atau pesan seefektif mungkin. Desain grafis pada awalnya diterapkan untuk media-media statis, seperti buku, majalah, dan brosur. Sejalan dengan perkembangan zaman, desain grafis juga diterapkan dalam media elektronik, yang sering kali disebut sebagai desain interaktif atau desain multimedia. Seni disain grafis mencakup kemampuan kognitif dan keterampilan visual, termasuk di dalamnya tipografi, ilustrasi, fotografi, pengolahan gambar dan tata letak.

Media komunikasi visual sangat penting bagi semua jenis instansi atau organisasi baik pemerintah maupun swasta. Media komunikasi visual merupakan media penyampaian informasi yang efektif untuk tujuan internal organisasi maupun eksternal (publik), karena secara umum orang akan lebih mudah memahami dan menerima pesan dalam bentuk visual dibanding dalm bentuk teks biasa.
Design Grafis

Penggunaan komputer grafis saat ini menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam proses produksi pencetakan media informasi. Dengan berbasiskan teknologi digital yang menawarkan berbagai kemudahan, kecepatan dan keleluasaan, akan menghasilkan suatu gagasan visual yang lebih sempurna.
Design Grafis ini bermanfaat bagi instutisi atau lembaga yang sering memanfaatkan berbagai produk percetakan untuk penyampaian informasi pada masyarakat. Beberpa konsep dasar desain grafis, editing foto digital dengan Photoshop, pembuatan obyek curve atau vektor dengan Corel Draw dan pembuatan layout halaman buku, tabloid atau buletin dengan InDesign.
Design Multimedia
Teknologi multimedia berkembang pesat seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi pada komputer PC dan saat ini multimedia merupakan teknologi yang paling populer selain internet. Dengan kemampuan multimedia dalam menyampaikan pesan dan informasi dengan menggabungkan unsur teks, gambar, suara dan video, maka ribuan perusahaan di seluruh dunia telah berhasil memanfaatkan untuk memasarkan produk mereka.

Multimedia komputer berguna untuk pembuatan media informasi interaktif dengan menggabungkan unsur teks, gambar, suara, video serta action sript untuk pengendalian animasi.
Digital Photography & Video Editing
Saat ini dokumentasi dalam bentuk multimedia dengan digital camera dan handycam telah banyak digunakan di berbagai instansi. Dokumentasi multimedia ini memiliki kelebihan antara lain efisien dan dapat diolah lebih lanjut untuk berbagai keperluan. Dalam pembuatan media komunikasi visual baik dalam bentuk barang-barang hasil percetakan maupun multimedia interaktif, memerlukan data pendukung berupa foto-foto dan video. Selain itu foto-foto dan video juga dapat ditayangkan secara independen pada event dan pameran.
Hal ini mempelajari penggoperasian dan pengambilan gambar menggunakan professional digital camera dan handycam, serta editingnya menggunakan komputer.
Beberapa istilah yang berkaitan dengan Multimedia dan Design adalah:
  • Multimedia Interaktif
    Merupakan sebuah produk program pada CD/DVD, Web atau media lainnya, yang menggabungkan hasil desain grafis, animasi, video serta audio yang dikemas dalam sebuah program komputer yang interaktif. Contoh dari produk Multimedia Interaktif ini adalah Company Profile dalam bentuk CD/DVD, Game Interaktif, CD/DVD Pembelajaran Interaktif.
  • Desain GrafisMerupakan gabungan beberapa matakuliah yang berisi tentang konsep-konsep dasar tentang desain (estetika, komposisi warna, dll) dilanjutkan dengan penggunaan tool-tool desain komputer (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Ilustrator, Corel Draw). Contoh Produk yang dihasilkan adalah desain grafis untuk komputer maupun percetakan (Iklan, Poster, Brosur, dll)
  • AnimasiAnimasi yang dihasilkan dapat berupa animasi dua dimensi atau tiga dimensi. Hasil dari animasi ini dapat digabungkan dalam bentuk produk multimedia interaktif seperti game, iklan, website bahkan sampai dengan produksi film.
  • Video dan Sound Editing
    Hasil dari editing video dan audio ini dapat digabungkan dengan animasi untuk menghasilkan sebuah film atau digabungkan dalam sebuah program untuk menghasilkan produk multimedia interaktif lainnya (iklan, game, company profile, dll).
  • Desain dan Pemrograman Website Dinamis
    Desain website selain dituntut untuk menarik juga dituntut untuk mempunyai kemudahan dalam penggunaannya. Selain diajarkan tentang cara mendesain sebuah website juga akan diajarkan hal-hal yang menyangkut Human Computer Interaction sehingga website akan mudah digunakan. Pemrograman website dinamis akan mempelajari bagaimana membuat website dinamis seperti www.yahoo.com, www.google.com , www.friendster.com yang dikoneksikan dengan database tertentu.
  • Pembuatan Game Interaktif
    Game yang akan dibuat dapat berupa game komputer, game online (website) maupun game pada handphone.

Sumber : http://rizkynovi99.blogspot.com/2013/01/apa-itu-multimedia.html

Multimedia adalah penggunaan komputer untuk menyajikan dan menggabungkan teks, suara, gambar, animasi dan video dengan alat bantu (tool) dan koneksi (link) sehingga pengguna dapat bernavigasi, berinteraksi, berkarya dan berkomunikasi (Hofstetter 2001). Multimedia sering digunakan dalam dunia hiburan. Selain dari dunia hiburan, Multimedia juga diadopsi oleh dunia Game.
Multimedia juga dapat diartikan sebagai penggunaan beberapa media yang berbeda dalam menyampaikan informasi berbentuk text, audio, grafik, animasi, dan video.

Definisi Multimedia menurut beberapa ahli

  1. Rosch, 1996 : Multimedia adalah Kombinasi dari komputer dan video
  2. McComick, 1996 : Multimedia adalah Kombinasi dari tiga elemen: suara, gambar, dan teks
  3. Turban dan kawan-kawan, 2002 : Multimedia adalah Kombinasi dari paling sedikit dua media input atau output. Media ini dapat berupa audio (suara, musik), animasi, video, teks, grafik dan gambar
  4. Robin dan Linda, 2001 : Multimedia adalah Alat yang dapat menciptakan presentasi yang dinamis dan interaktif yang mengkombinasikan teks, grafik, animasi, audio dan video
  5. Steinmetz (1995, p2) : Multimedia adalah gabungan dari seminimalnya sebuah media diskrit dan sebuah media kontinu. Media diskrit adalah sebuah media dimana validitas datanya tidak tergantung dari kondisi waktu, termasuk didalamnya teks dan grafik. Sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan media kontinu adalah sebuah media dimana validitas datanya tergantung dari kondisi waktu, termasuk di dalamnya suara dan video.
  6. Vaughan (2004, p1) : Multimedia adalah beberapa kombinasi dari teks, gambar, suara, animasi dan video dikirim ke anda melalui komputer atau alat elektronik lainnya atau dengan manipulasi digital.

Kategori Multimedia

Multimedia dapat di definisikan menjadi 2 kategori, yaitu Multimedia Content Production dan Multimedia Communication.
  1. Multimedia Content Production adalah penggunaan beberapa media (teks, audio, graphics, animation, video dan interactivity) yang berbeda dalam menyampaikan suatu informasi atau menghasilkan produk multimedia seperti video, audio, musik, film, game, entertaintment, dll. Bisa juga dikatakan sebagai penggunaan beberapa teknologi yang berbeda yang memungkinkan untuk menggabungkan media (teks, audio, graphics, animation, video, dan interactivity) dengan cara yang baru untuk tujuan komunikasi. Dalam kategori ini media yang digunakan adalah :
    • Media teks/tulisan
    • Media audio/suara
    • Media video
    • Media animasi
    • Media gambar
    • Media Interaktif
    • Media spesial effect

  2.  Multimedia Communication adalah penggunaan media (massa), seperti televisi, radio, media cetak dan internet untuk mempublikasikan / menyiarkan / mengkomunikasikan material periklanan, publikasi, entertaintment, berita, pendidikan, dll. Dalam kategori ini media yang digunakan adalah :
    • TV
    • Radio
    • Film
    • Media Cetak
    • Musik
    • Game
    • Entertainment
    • Tutorial
    • Internet
Dengan penggunaan multimedia, penyampaian informasi akan menjadi lebih menarik dan mempermudah pengguna dalam mendapatkan informasi tersebut. Seperti yang disebutkan dalam laporan hasil penelitian yang dikeluarkan oleh Computer Technology Research (Hofstetter, p4) bahwa seseorang hanya akan mendapatkan 20% dari apa yang mereka lihat dan 30% dari yang mereka dengar. Sedangkan melalui multimedia akan mendapatkan 50% dari apa yang mereka lihat dan dengar, sampai 80% dari apa yang mereka lihat, dengar dan berinteraksi dengan pada waktu yang sama.

sumber : http://yogatamapermana.blogspot.com/2013/02/apa-itu-multimedia_11.html

Monday, November 18, 2013

Orang Utan

"The orangutans are the two exclusively Asian species of extant great apes. Native to Indonesia and Malaysia, orangutans are currently found in only the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra. Classified in the genus Pongo, orangutans were considered to be one species. However, since 1996, they have been divided into two species: the Bornean orangutan (P. pygmaeus) and the Sumatran orangutan (P. abelii). In addition, the Bornean species is divided into three subspecies. The orangutans are also the only surviving species of the subfamily Ponginae, which also included several other species, such as the three extinct species of the genus Gigantopithecus, including the largest known primate Gigantopithecus blacki. Both extant species had their genomes sequenced and they appear to have diverged around 400,000 years ago. Orangutans diverged from the rest of the great apes 15.7 to 19.3 million years ago (mya).
Orangutans are the most arboreal of the great apes and spend most of their time in trees. Their hair is typically reddish-brown, instead of the brown or black hair typical of chimpanzees and gorillas. Males and females differ in size and appearance. Dominant adult males have distinctive cheek pads and produce long calls that attract females and intimidate rivals. Younger males do not have these characteristics and resemble adult females. Orangutans are the most solitary of the great apes, with social bonds occurring primarily between mothers and their dependent offspring, who stay together for the first two years. Fruit is the most important component of an orangutan's diet; however, the apes will also eat vegetation, bark, honey, insects and even bird eggs. They can live over 30 years in both the wild and captivity.
Orangutans are among the most intelligent primates; they use a variety of sophisticated tools and construct elaborate sleeping nests each night from branches and foliage. The apes have been extensively studied for their learning abilities. There may even be distinctive cultures within populations. Field studies of the apes were pioneered by primatologist Birutė Galdikas. Both orangutan species are considered to be Endangered, with the Sumatran orangutan being Critically Endangered. Human activities have caused severe declines in the populations and ranges of both species. Threats to wild orangutan populations include poaching, habitat destruction, and the illegal pet trade. Several conservation and rehabilitation organisations are dedicated to the survival of orangutans in the wild." - Wikipedia

"Orang utan (atau orangutan, nama lainnya adalah mawas) adalah sejenis kera besar dengan lengan panjang dan berbulu kemerahan atau cokelat, yang hidup di hutan tropika Indonesia dan Malaysia, khususnya di Pulau Kalimantan dan Sumatera" - Wikipedia


Banyak kasus yang melibatkan orang utan didalamnya. Orang utan adalah salah satu binatang yang populasinya banyak di Indonesia dan sekarang sedang terancam punah. Terancam punah hanya karena keserakahan manusia yang ingin meraup harta. Padahal jika memang orang utan bernaung atau memakan hasil panen warga atau dan lain-lain lah, setidaknya tidak sebanyak manusia memusnahkan mereka. Banyak berita yang membuktikan bahwa manusia sangat tidak menginginkan orang utan. Dirumah mereka bilang kepada anaknya bahwa jangan menyiksa binatang, tapi diluar mereka memusnahkan binatang termasuk Orang Utan.

Perubahan itu datang dari diri sendiri. Banyak orang melakukan usaha untuk mempertahankan orang utan tetapi jika dari pihak yang memusnahkannya tidak kunjung sadar akan perbuatannya memusnakan orang utan, mau sampai kapan pun orang utan bisa punah hari ini atau besok !. 

Sadarlah, kekayaan itu hanya sementara apalagi didapatnya dengan cara begitu...


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Review Avengers

"S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) arrives at one of his agency's facilities during an evacuation. The Tesseract, an energy source of unknown potential, has activated. It opens a portal through space and the exiled Norse god Loki (Tom Hiddleston) steps through. Loki takes the Tesseract and also takes control of the minds of several SHIELD personnel, including Dr. Erik Selvig (Stellan Skarsgård) and Agent Clint "Hawkeye" Barton (Jeremy Renner), to aid him in his getaway. As SHIELD personnel pull out of their base, some pursuing Loki and others merely fleeing, the ground beneath the base collapses and it's destroyed.

In response to the attack, Fury re-activates the Avengers Initiative. First he pulls Agent Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson), a.k.a. the Black Widow, out of an interrogation (tied to a chair, she seems to be the victim rather than the interrogator, but appearances are deceiving). Fury sends her to India to find and recruit Dr. Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo), a.k.a. the Hulk. At the same time Agent Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) approaches "Iron Man" Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) and requests that he review Dr. Selvig's research. Fury himself approaches Steve Rogers (Chris Evans), a.k.a. Captain America, with an assignment to retrieve the Tesseract from Loki. During his exile, Loki encountered the Chitauri, an alien race seeking to conquer the galaxy. In exchange for the Tesseract, the Chitauri agree to help Loki subjugate Earth.

Suiting up, Captain America and Iron Man travel to Germany to apprehend Loki, who is recovering iridium needed to stabilize the Tesseract's power, and demanding that the civilians kneel before him. Loki quickly surrenders when the two heroes arrive, and he is escorted to a SHIELD helicarrier, a high-tech, flying aircraft carrier. However, Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Loki's half-brother and the Norse God of thunder, arrives and attempts to free Loki so he can reason with him on his own, but he gets into a fight with Iron Man and Captain America. The fight ends in a stalemate. Eventually, Loki is taken to the helicarrier and placed in a glass cell designed to hold the Hulk. Fury explains that if Loki attempts to escape, even by merely cracking the glass, a shaft will open below him and he'll plummet to Earth and possibly be killed.

The Avengers, now brought together, argue and deliberate over how to approach Loki and the revelation that SHIELD plans to harness the Tesseract's power to develop weapons, a discovery made by Rogers. Fury admits that the events in New Mexico a year before (recounted in Thor) made SHIELD aware of other races on other worlds, some of whom may see Earth as an easy target. The decision was made to produce weapons with the Tesseract as a means of deterrence. As the group argues, Clint Barton and Loki's possessed agents attack the helicarrier, disabling one of its engines in flight. While Stark and Rogers attempt to restart the damaged engine, Romanoff tries to prevent Dr. Banner from turning into the Hulk and destroying the ship from inside. Her attempt fails and she's chased through the ship until Thor takes up the battle to pacify the beast and manages to fell him briefly with a hit from his hammer, Mjolnir. While fighting Barton, Romanoff slams him into a guard rail, and the blow to the head breaks Loki's mind control. After the Hulk falls from the ship, Thor is tricked into Loki's holding cell by Loki himself, who has recovered his scepter and releases the cell and allows Thor to plummet. Loki is held at bay briefly by Agent Coulson who is also tricked by one of Loki's holographic projections - Coulson is stabbed in the back by the real Loki. Coulson later shoots Loki with a blast from an unidentified weapon, one that harnesses the power of the Destroyer. Coulson dies while Fury tries to save his life. Thor escapes from the cell a split second before it hits the ground. Banner wakes up in his human form after crashing into an abandoned factory.

Fury uses Coulson's death to motivate the Avengers to work as a team. Stark and Rogers realize that simply defeating them will not be enough for Loki. He needs to overpower them in a very public way so as to validate himself as ruler of Earth. Using a device built by Dr. Selvig, Loki opens a portal to the Chitauri home world over Manhattan, summoning a Chitauri invasion.

The Avengers rally in defense of New York, but quickly come to the conclusion that they will be overwhelmed as wave after wave of Chitauri descend upon Earth. With help from the reformed Barton, Captain America and Thor evacuate civilians while Dr. Banner transforms into the Hulk and goes after Loki, beating him into submission in Tony Stark's penthouse. Romanoff makes her way, with a little help from the Chitauri, to the device that holds the portal open (conveniently located on the roof of the Stark Building) and hits Dr. Selvig over the head, freeing him of Loki's control. Dr. Selvig reveals that Loki's staff can be used to close the portal.

Meanwhile, the council overrides Fury and scrambles a jet that fires a nuclear missile at Manhattan to end the invasion. Iron Man intercepts the missile and directs it at the portal and the Chitauri base before running out of oxygen and plummeting back to Earth, but the Hulk catches him as he falls. A dazed Stark, awakened by the Hulk's roar, offers to take the team out for shawarma, but they decide to apprehend Loki first. Thor escorts Loki and the Tesseract back to Asgard, while Fury notes that the Avengers will go their separate ways until a new world-threatening menace emerges.

In a mid-credits scene, the Chitauri leader the Other tells his master that it is futile to attack Earth, as fighting the Avengers is like courting death. His master turns, revealing himself to be Thanos.

After further credits, the Avengers are shown eating together in a shawarma joint; the team looks worn out and no one speaks." - imdb

Film ini bagus dan jalan ceritanya sangat menarik dibanding film super hero lain. Efek yang diciptakan untuk mendukung film ini sangat fantastis. Meskipun ending-nya membuat orang penasaran tetapi ini salah satu film yang bagus untuk di tonton.

Review Thor The Dark World

"Eons ago, Bor, the father of Odin, clashes with the Dark Elf Malekith, who seeks to destroy the universe using a weapon known as the Aether. After conquering Malekith's forces, including enhanced warriors called the Kursed, on their home world of Svartalfheim, Bor safeguards the Aether within a stone column. Unbeknownst to him, Malekith, his lieutenant Algrim, and a handful of Dark Elves escape into suspended animation.

In present-day Asgard, Loki stands imprisoned for his war crimes on Earth. Meanwhile, Thor, alongside warriors Fandral, Volstagg and Sif repel marauders on Vanaheim, home of their comrade Hogun; it is the final battle in a war to pacify the Nine Realms following the reconstruction of Bifröst, the "Rainbow Bridge" between realms, which had been destroyed two years earlier. In London, astrophysicist Dr. Jane Foster's intern, Darcy Lewis, now with her own intern, Ian, takes Jane to an abandoned factory where objects have begun to disobey the laws of physics and disappear into thin air. Separating from the group, Jane is teleported to another world, where she is infected by the Aether.

The Asgardians learn that the Convergence, a rare alignment of the Nine Realms, is imminent; as the event approaches, portals linking the worlds appear at random. Heimdall alerts Thor of Jane's recent disappearance, leading Thor to search for her. When she inadvertently releases an unearthly force, he takes her to Asgard. There, Asgardian healers say they do not know how to treat her. Odin, recognizing the Aether, warns Jane's infection will kill her given enough time, and that the Aether's return heralds a catastrophic prophecy.

Malekith, awakened by the Aether's release, turns Algrim into a Kursed and attacks Asgard. During the battle, Malekith and Algrim search for Jane, knowing she contains the Aether. When they fail to capture her, they escape, killing Thor's mother, Frigga. Despite Odin's orders not to leave Asgard, Thor reluctantly teams up with Loki, who knows of a secret portal to Malekith's world, where they will use Jane to lure and confront Malekith, away from Asgard. In return, Thor promises Loki that he can have his revenge on Malekith for killing their mother. With Volstagg and Sif stalling Asgardian soldiers and Fandral assisting their escape, Thor and Loki commandeer a Dark Elf spaceship and escape to Svartalfheim with Jane.

On Svartalfheim, Loki tricks Malekith into drawing the Aether out of Jane. However, Thor's attempt to destroy the substance fails, and the Aether-empowered Malekith leaves with his ship as Loki appears to be fatally wounded while protecting Thor from Algrim. Thor, cradling Loki in his arms, promises to tell their father of his sacrifice. Following Loki's apparent death, Thor and Jane discover another portal in a nearby cave and reunite with Jane's mentor Dr. Erik Selvig, Darcy and Ian in London. There, they learn that Malekith plans to unleash the Aether to destroy the universe, and that he will do this in Greenwich, the center of the Convergence. Thor battles Malekith, but a portal separates them, leaving Malekith unopposed. Thor comes back in time to help his mortal comrades use their scientific equipment to transport Malekith to Svartalfheim, where he is killed before he can destroy the universe.

Thor returns to Asgard, where he declines Odin's offer to take the throne and tells Odin of Loki's sacrifice. As he leaves, Odin's form transforms to that of a grinning Loki.

In a mid-credits scene, Volstagg and Sif visit the Collector and entrust the Aether to his care, commenting that, with the Tesseract already in Asgard, having two Infinity Stones so close together would be dangerous. As they leave, the Collector remarks, "One down, five to go." In a post-credits scene, Jane and Thor reunite on Earth, while somewhere in London a frost monster from Jotunheim, accidentally transported to Earth during the final battle, continues to run amok." - imdb

Cerita yang menarik tentang Thor dan Asgard. Pemainnya ganteng dan efeknya keren.Bagi penggemar film thor sungguh cverita ini sedikit mengecewakan karena agak melenceng dengan cerita aslinya. tapi kurang tau juga, karena waktu loki menduduki tahta odin, disitu tidak diberitahu diapakan odin? karena dalam sejarah odin tidak mati ditangan loki.
Mungkin memang ada sedikit perbedaan antara cerita aslinya dan cerita yang dibuat ini karena legenda nya digabung dengan dunia modern.

Review The Conjuring

"In 1971, Carolyn and Roger Perron move into a dilapidated, old farmhouse in Harrisville, Rhode Island with their five daughters. During the first day, the family moves in smoothly except for the dog, who refuses to come into the house. That night, the children play a game called hide-and-clap; while playing, one of the daughters finds the boarded up entrance to a cellar. After Roger inspects the basement with a match, the family goes to bed. Carolyn expresses concern because the dog is barking outside, and one of the daughters feels someone pulling at her feet.

In the morning, Carolyn wakes up with a mysterious bruise and their dog Sadie, is found dead. Over the next couple of days, various paranormal activities occur; doors open and close seemingly by themselves and Carolyn hears clapping when nobody is there. At night, their young daughter Cindy sleepwalks into the eldest daughter's bedroom, where she bangs her head repeatedly against an old wardrobe. The activity culminates in the eldest daughter being attacked by a spirit that looks like an elderly woman. Carolyn seeks the help of Ed and Lorraine Warren, noted paranormal investigators, to validate their concerns. Lorraine senses that a particular malevolent spirit has latched on to the family. They conduct an initial investigation, and conclude they should get involved, explaining to the Perron family that the house may require an exorcism. However, this cannot be done without further evidence and authorization from the Catholic Church.

During the process of researching the house's history, Ed and Lorraine find out that the house belonged to an accused witch, Bathsheba. When Bathsheba's husband caught her sacrificing their week-old infant, she climbed to the top of a tree on the property, cursed all those who would take her land, and proclaimed her love for Satan before committing suicide. This is followed by reports found of numerous murders and suicides in houses that have since been built upon the property.

Ed and Lorraine return to the house with a police officer, and another paranormal investigator, Drew. They set up thermal cameras, and alarm systems throughout the house in an attempt to prove the spirit of Bathsheba is inhabiting the house and receive authorization from the Catholic Church. For the first night, nothing happens, and the clocks do not stop at 3:07AM. The next day, they all eat breakfast together and Roger Perron thanks Ed Warren for doing what they can to help. Ed explains that with every exorcism they do, a little piece of his wife Lorraine is taken, but he promises they will do what they can to help them.

During another night of investigation, nothing seems to happen until nightfall, when Cindy begins to sleepwalk again. While walking upstairs, thermal cameras observe a temperature drop around her as she enters into the wardrobe, whereupon the door slams shut behind her. The others force their way into the room and find a secret passage behind the wardrobe. After Cindy is taken out, Lorraine enters the wardrobe and falls through the floor boards down into the cellar. There, she sees the spirits of people whom Bathsheba has possessed, and realizes Bathsheba's purpose: to possess mothers and use them to kill their children.

After Lorraine escapes the cellar, she and Ed take their evidence to Father Gordan to organize an exorcism while the Perron family takes refuge at a hotel. Their relief is interrupted when Carolyn suddenly drives back to the house with two of the daughters. Ed and Lorraine rush to the house, where they find Roger and the police officer struggling with Carolyn as she tries to stab one of her daughters with a pair of scissors. Ed suggests they call the priest, but Lorraine reminds him that the priest is too far away, forcing Ed to perform the exorcism himself. While the others hold the tormented Carolyn down, Ed continues the exorcism.

Carolyn seemingly stops struggling, and for a brief moment it seems the excorism was successful. Suddenly, her chairs flips over end and she is held upside down. Ed yells for the demon to put her down, and after a few tense moments, she is released onto the ground. Ed rushes over to Carolyn, and tells the demon to leave her body. Carolyn slowly turns to Ed and says, "She's already gone.".

Meanwhile, Drew finds April hiding under the floorboards in the kitchen. He yells down the cellar that he found her, and this alerts the Demon inside Carolyn and she dashes up cellar stairs to find April, in order to complete the sacrifice. Ed and Lorraine Warren, along with Roger, rush up the stairs after her in order to stop her from going through with it. The possessed Carolyn chases after April thru a tunnel underneath the floorboards. Carolyn grabs a hold of April, but at the same time, Lorraine reaches down through the floor and grabs Carolyns head. She tells Carolyn to remember how much her family means to her, and to remember what she told her about how special they were to her and that they mean the world to her, and what she would leave behind if she went through with it. This seems to get through to Carolyn, as her face relaxes, and her breathing returns to normal. The demonic presence in her eyes seems to fade, and she puts April down.

The scene changes to Carolyn being helped out of the front door, to a now sunny morning. As she crosses from threshold of the door into the sunlight, the bruises on her skin fade away and she returns to her normal self. Roger and Carolyn rejoice with their family in the front yard, embracing one another, knowing that it's finally over.

After they ward off the demon at the Perron household, the Warrens return to their home. The scene cuts to Ed Warren entering his room of possessed objects and artifacts. He places the old music box from the house on an empty space on a shelf. Lorraine enters the room, and they leave together. After a few seconds, the music box starts to play on its own, and the camera slowly pans back to the music box. The camera zooms in on the mirror of the open music box, and the music slowly comes to a stop. The screen cuts to black, and the credits roll." - imdb

Film horror yang sangat classic. Terlihat dari setting tempat dan gaya pemainnya. Tetapi bukan berarti film ini jelek, sebaliknya film ini sangat bagus dibanding film horor kebanyakan yang ada saat ini.
Kesan based on true story membuat film ini sangat dilengkapi dengan nuansa horor. Tidak pula mengaggetkan efek suara ala film garapan sutradara james wan ini sangat khas senhingga membuat para penonton menjadi kaget akan kejutan yang diberikan oleh sutradara yang sudah membuat film saw 3 dan insidious ini.

Review Insidious Chapter 2

The movie begins with Josh (played by Patrick Wilson) as a kid having trouble with the old lady with lipstick who killed Elise at the end of the first film. Elise and another man named Carl are summoned to help with the problem because Josh's mother, Lorraine, is worried. In time, they find out his has a special ability of Astral Projecting during his sleep. He then does a game of warmer and colder with Elise and they find him talking to someone and opens a door without any means of human work. Then from there its portrayed in present time.

Fading to Renai and an investigator about the death of Elise, the investigator says he will get back with her to announce whether or not the marks on Elise were by human hands, and most importantly, by Josh. With that, they family moves to Lorraine's house to try to get away from the terrible things that they experienced in the first movie. But as soon as they get there, weird things are already happening. They first begin with Renai, hearing and knowing certain signs, such as the piano playing and the baby chair making noises back and forth. Then later on Lorraine experiences things when she walks in to Dalton's room. Dalton walks up and then tells Lorraine someone is behind her, and she hears things go off and is being chased by the ghost of the lady that haunts Josh. She then goes into the bathroom and is locked and sees the lady. When the door opens it is Josh that is behind the door and he explains everything is okay.

With such creepy things happening, everyone is on edge, and while Josh is taking the kids to school, Renai gets jumpy. She sets things up with the baby (baby speakers) and she then sees a roman on the couch with a victorian age dress. The lady then gets up and you can hear her talking to the baby through the speakers. Renai runs up the stairs to the room only for the door to close in her face and lock. Renai then hears the lady talking to the baby with a creepy voice and then she hears the lady smack the baby while it cries. The door then opens and the baby is missing, with that Renai runs downs stairs and the lady catches her off guard, scream "HOW DARE YOU!!" and smacks her so hard she gets knocked out.

Meanwhile, Lorraine, troubled by the strange sightings, and the way Josh has been acting, decides to visit Specks and Tucker (the two paranormal investigators who worked with Elise when she was alive) to try and see if there was a way they could help her to uncover the strange goings-on, Specks and Tucker are unable to help her, but when Lorraine says "if only Elise was still here" they then remember on who to contact. Carl, the spirit medium from 1986, appears at Elise's house, where he apologizes for not contacting them through fear of what he saw back then. He listens to Lorraine's story, and decides to contact Elise from the other side with the usage of word dice to allow Elise to reply to their questions. Lorraine, Specs and Tucker sit around a circular table as Carl begins to ask Elise questions. He rolls the word dice and asks Elise if she is there, and three dice placed together made the word "yes". He then asks Elise "who killed you?", rolls the dice and gets the reply "she did." Carl then asks, "where is she?" rolls the dice to get the reply "hiding." They then ask where, and Elise tells them about an abandoned hospital that Lorraine used to work at, where Lorraine said that the ordeal with Josh had first begun.

Back at Lorraine's home, Josh had returned home to find Renai on the floor unconscious, a visually troubled Josh can be seen trying to pick up Renai from the floor, but his personality then changes as he begins to sniff Renai's hair.

Renai regains consciousness, claiming that their baby has been stolen, but Josh calms her and shows that their daughter is in the cot and is fine. Renai attempts to convince Josh that something is attacking them again and that they must move away because of what happened, a stubborn Josh denies her request and explains that their problems would disappear if they ignore them. Just then, both Renai and Josh hear the piano playing, they go together to find the cause of the sound, but there is no one present at the piano. Reneai then realizes that the tune being played on the piano is the one she made for Josh, but when she tells Josh this, Josh shows no memory of this. Due to rising suspicion from Renai about Josh's well-being, Josh rushes Renai out of the room, telling her not to worry and as Josh looks back into the room he smiles and says "Your home is the Shadows now." As he leaves, the real Josh in astral-projection form is sitting at the piano. He bangs against in the keys in frustration and screams, "Help!"

The next morning, Dalton speaks to his mother Renai about his reappearing nightmares involving the dead and the old woman, but most importantly, he is greatly troubled by what he has seen in his father. The night Renai confronts Josh about seeing the woman in their house, Dalton manages to see from a corner of a hallway in the house his father Josh scolding him self profusely, and speaking to another individual and remarking how the other individual must leave or go away. Dalton, clearly aware of the fact that nobody else was with Josh when he was speaking, insinuates to Renai that the physical Josh Lambert is not occupied by the soul of the true Josh Lambert.

Lorraine, Specs, Tucker, and Carl go to the hospital and Carl helps them find the right room. Lorraine remembers the room as an ICU unit she worked in, and where everything started.

Back in 1986, it shows Lorraine and Josh walking into the room, and they see an old patient named Parker Crane who is asleep. Josh looks away, and suddenly Parker attacks him, and the nurses hold him down and Lorraine and her son Leave. Later, it shows Lorraine getting on an elevator, and Parker gets on, and she tries to make small talk with him and he does not respond. They arrive on their floor and he gets off and she goes to the receptionist and asks her why Parker is up and walking. The receptionist then explains that Parker had jumped off of the building that morning, and died.

Back in the present, Lorraine, Specs, Tucker, and Carl go to find the records on Parker, and find out where his old house was. They investigate, and find it abandoned. They go up to Parker's room and find a little girl who tells them to go before her mother finds them and she has to kill them. Then Carl goes back down stairs and uses his dice, and they realize that the lady was the one talking to them and was messing with them the whole time. They enter another room to find people sitting down in rows under cloths, and they find a chest full of newspaper articles on a serial killer who wore a black wedding dress. They find the black wedding dress on a manikin and Carl puts his hand on it to find out what went on with it. He sees a man putting on women's makeup and murdering a young woman. They figure out that Parker is a serial killer who puts on a woman's black wedding dress and kills young woman, which explains the people under the cloths, who are his victims.

With the new information, they understand what they're really dealing with, and they head home to try to tranquilize Josh and get into his head. But things go wrong, and Carl is "killed" while Specs gets knocked unconscious, and Josh stabs Tucker with the hypodermic syringe, rendering him unconscious, too.

Now in the Further/Shadows, Carl finds Josh and they figure they need to get Josh back in his body, so they try to find Elise, they than go to Josh's old house from Insidious 1, and they see Parker in the window going to try to kill and take the baby, he then goes in and run up stairs and Elise pops out and kills the demon trying to take the baby. Elise then recommends they go back to the place where Parker and the mother once lived in order to try to end where it all began.

In present time, Josh has sent a text to Renai as Carl saying it's safe and to go to the house and they drive over, once Renai and Lorraine get there though, they are attacked by Josh and Dalton comes and hits him long enough for Renai and the two boys to run into the basement and hide. Dalton then goes asleep to try and help rescue Josh's soul.

Back to the Further, they arrive at Lorraine's house where they find the way to the lady's house, and they enter, they find Parker on the bed dressed as a girl. Parker yells at them saying to get out and that his name is Parker, his mother then walks in with a drawing Parker had made, she yells at him saying DID YOU DO THIS. He denies at first and then says yes, and she yells, HOW DARE YOU and smacks him. She then says his name is not Parker because his father named him that, and his real name is Marilyn. The mother then looks over and becomes aware of them watching them. She screams at them and Elise and Carl are hurtled backwards out of the room with the door slamming violently before them. Parker's mother faces Josh alone. She then makes all the people Parker killed appear in the room under white sheets. They proceed to taunt Josh.

The next scene cuts back and forth between our world and the Further. In real time, Josh is just about in the basement to attack Renai and the boys. He breaks in past their barriers and pushes Renai down to kill her. He is momentarily distracted when he sees Dalton asleep. As he raises a hammer to kill Dalton, right when is about to attack, Dalton, Josh, and Elise in the Further are being assisted by Parker who is the only one who can open his childhood bedroom door that Mrs. Crane slammed. Once he does this, Elise beats Mrs. Crane with a rocking horse and kills her once and for all as Parker destroys all memories of his mother. Then Carl and Josh run out of the room, find Dalton, and make their way back into the real world, fighting off attacking spirits in the darkness who are anxious to leave the Shadows for our world. Just before this, they say their goodbyes to Elise, who is transported automatically back to "the Good Place". (When she saw Carl for the first time in the Further and hugged him, she had detected a heart beat within him, signifying that he wasn't truly dead, so she told him he did not belong there and to hurry along with Josh and Dalton to the real world so he wouldn't get trapped in the Shadows.)

In Present Time/Real World, they all wake up in their normal bodies with their own spirits. In the next scene, they are all seated in Josh's living room before Carl who tells him that he can now hypnotize them, just as Elise did to young Josh back in 1986, to make them "forget" how to astral project, preventing them from going back to the Further in their dreams and inadvertently bringing spirits back with them. They close their eyes; the camera zooms in on Josh's face, serene and beginning to forget.

- Final Scene -

Instead of the usual fade to black, the screen slowly brightens to a blinding white and then we see a sky filled with clouds. The camera pans down from the sky to a different house where Specs and Tucker knock on the door and are greeted by a family. Specs tells the man to please hear him out; that Specs and Tucker are there to deliver a message to their relative, Allison. Allison is the sole survivor of the Bride in Black's killing spree, the only one who got away and gave a description to the police for the story in the newspaper that was found earlier in Parker Crane's dilapidated house.

At the door, the family's little girl asks them, "Who's the woman behind you?" Specs and Turner turn around and see no one. Next, we see through the little girl's eyes, and Elise is standing behind them. She smiles at the little girl and puts her finger to her mouth, saying "shhhh". She walks past them into the house where a young woman sits unresponsive in a wheelchair. In the background, we can hear the parents of the little girl telling Specs and Turner that they have been having problems with unseen, malevolent entities in their home. Elise crouches in front of Allison, smiles kindly, and begins talking to her, trying to help draw her out of the Further. She hears something above them, looks up, sees the light fixtures swaying - and something else - and her smile disappears. Then we hear a creaking, grotesque, guttural noise in the shadowy corner of the room behind Allison. The camera pans up; we see nothing - yet - behind her; but Elise does, and the expression on her face is one of abject terror as she exclaims, trembling, "Oh . . . my . . . God!" - imdb

Cerita lanjutan dari Insidious pertama, beberapa point dari film tersebut dapat ditebak. Tetapi tidak sedikit hal yang membuat kita kaget karena perkembangan cerita yang tidak terduga.Di ending film pun kembali lagi james wan membuat ending yang menggantung yang seolah-olah film ini bisa dilanjutkan dengan cerita lain lagi atau malah selesai begitu saja dan membuat penonton menjadi penasaran.

Review The Call

"Jordan (Halle Berry), a Los Angeles 911 operator, takes a call from Leah Templeton (Evie Thompson), a pretty blonde teen. A man has broken into Leah's house. Jordan dispatches officers to her house, and Leah hides; the man seems to be leaving. Then the call cuts out, and, without thinking, Jordan hits the redial button. The intruder pauses when he hears the phone ring once and then stop - Leah answered it, and now she hears him returning to the room where she hides. The man finds Leah, and he takes the phone. Jordan begs him not to hurt Leah, but he tells her, "It's already done." Leah screams, and the call ends.

In the wake of Leah's disappearance and the subsequent discovery of her mutilated body, Jordan suffers a breakdown. Though her colleagues tell her to move on, she no longer trusts her judgment. Six months later she has become a teacher at the 911 operator headquarters.

Casey (Abigail Breslin), a carefree blonde teen, leaves a mall. She has two cell phones: her own smart phone and the prepaid cell phone her best friend Autumn left behind when she ditched her at the food court. A maroon sedan almost hits Casey in the parking garage, and she drops her smart phone. The driver jumps out and apologizes, but within seconds he has wrapped his hands around Casey's mouth and body. He suffocates her until she passes out.

Jordan leads her latest class through the "hive," the room where the operators take calls. She stops to introduce the students to a new 911 operator, but the field trip takes a frightening turn when the new operator answers a call from Casey. The latter found her friend's prepaid cell phone, and she's calling from the car trunk where her abductor has stashed her. Jordan quickly takes over, and when Casey cries she will die, Jordan's old anxieties rear their head. She quickly regains composure and calms Casey down so she can learn more information about Casey's location - prepaid cell phones lack GPS chips, so the police and Jordan have no way of knowing where the moving car is. Dozens of police officers, including Jordans old flame Paul, mobilize to find Casey.

By talking to Casey, Jordan figures out: the car is on a highway. It is an older model, the driver was a white man in his thirties, and there are several cans of paint in the trunk. Casey finds a shovel, too, and panics until Jordan tells her to kick out one of the taillights. After knocking out the taillight, Casey sticks her hand through the hole and attracts the attention of another driver. The woman calls 911, and she gives the operator her location and the cars plates (which turn out to have been switched). Unfortunately, the woman pulls forward to see the driver, and when he notices, he swiftly exits the freeway.

Next, Jordan tells Casey to open the paint and pour it out of the taillight hole, thereby leaving a trail. Alan Denado (Michael Imperioli) notices the mess and alerts the driver, and the drivers shifty behavior arouses his suspicions. Caseys kidnapper pulls into an empty parking lot and flips out at her when he sees the mess she has caused. He decides to drug Casey with chloroform, and while hes bent over in the trunk, Alan Denado appears and asks if he needs help. The kidnapper behaves even more weirdly, and Denado pretends to leave, but in actuality he tries to call 911. The kidnapper attacks Denado, smashes the phone, and beats the would-be rescuer with a shovel. His bottle of chloroform breaks in the process he leaves it in the parking lot and he freaks out even more before stealing Denados car.

Casey wakes up in the trunk and freaks out when she sees Denado. Then Denado awakens and begins to scream. Casey begs him to stop, but the kidnapper hears the commotion, and this time when he pulls over he makes sure to kill Denado. Jordan, still on the line, instructs Casey to find Denados wallet and identification. The officers find the kidnappers abandoned car. Paul notices the chloroform bottle and has it dusted for fingerprints. Back in the trunk, Casey once again believes she will die, and she tells her mom that she loves her so much, knowing the operators record all of their calls. Jordan tells her to fight. An Amber Alert has gone out about Casey.

Denados car is low on gas, so the kidnapper pulls into a gas station. An invigorated Casey finds out she can crawl into the cars interior through the middle backseat, and she catches the attention of the gas station owner. When the man tries to rescue Casey, the kidnapper douses him in gasoline and lights him on fire. He opens the trunk, punches Casey unconscious, and drives away.

Paul has an I.D. on the kidnapper: Michael Foster (Michael Eklund), a family man and medical technician. He and his partner go to Fosters house and interrogate his wife about where Foster might be. Paul finds a shrine dedicated to Fosters beautiful blonde sister, who died some years ago. Eventually, he discovers that Foster owns a cabin in the San Clarita Hills. The squad mobilizes.

Foster finally parks. When he opens the trunk, he finds Casey holding the cell phone. He panics, and Jordan begs him not to hurt Casey, calling him by name. Foster tells her, Its already done. Jordan realizes Foster killed Leah Templeton, too. Foster smashes the phone, and after Jordan loses contact with Casey, her boss tells her to go home. Paul and his team swarm Fosters cabin but find no trace of the kidnapper or his victim.

Somewhere else, Foster has strapped Casey into a wheelchair and wheels her into his laboratory. He forces her to inhale sedatives, but they wear off, and Casey manages to slip her bindings. She runs down a hallway and into a room, but she recoils in horror when she sees whats inside, and Foster recaptures her. Back at the hive, Jordan replays different clips of her conversation with Casey. She replays the part right before Foster destroyed the phone, and she fixates on a clanging sound before losing her cool and leaving the hive. She drives to Fosters cabin the police have left and searches the rooms. She finds pictures of Foster and his sister, who seems to hug and cuddle in a lot of the photos. Several snapshots indicate that Fosters sister died of cancer, and the last shot shows a young Foster kissing his hairless, emaciated sister on the mouth.

Jordan steps outside. She hears a clanging noise like the one from the recording its a lock banging against a flagpole. Jordan finds a hatch in the ground and discovers Fosters subterranean lair. Jordan creeps around the lair and finds the same room in which Casey tried to hide its a replica of Fosters sisters room, but the pink bed is smeared with blood. Jordan hides when Foster enters the room, and shes horrified to discover that what she thought were wigs are actually the scalps of Fosters victims. Its obvious he has been killing girls to reenact his twisted fantasies of his sister.

Casey is strapped to an operating table. Foster begins to scalp her, but Jordan interrupts him by smashing him in the head. She tries to free Casey, but Foster recovers. He starts to drown Jordan in a basin of water. Casey frees herself and slices open Fosters face. The women run out of the lair, but Foster follows them. Casey eventually stabs Foster in the back and knocks him back into his lair. Jordan almost calls 911, but Casey stops her.

When Foster regains consciousness, he is chained to the wheelchair. Jordan and Casey tell him their version of Caseys rescue: Jordan will find her wandering in the woods, and he will disappear forever. They leave Foster in his dungeon, immune to his desperate cries for help." - imbd

Film yang menceritakan bagaimana susahnya menjadi operator polisi. Dan repotnya membuat orang tenang dengan bermodalkan hanya telepon.
Film ini meneganggkan dan ceritanya pun sulit ditebak pada awalnya. Biarpun pada akhirnya kita sudah bisa menebak-nebak jalan ceritanya tetapi film ini tetap membuat adrenalin kita sebagai penonton teruji.