"Aku suka berinteraksi dengan banyak orang. Aku juga suka dengan Idol Group 48 Family, Dan aku memelihara sepasang Sugar Glider bernama Siwon Geliber(m) dan Batty Koda(f) yang biasa dipanggil WOM BAT "


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Review Clueless

Cher Horowitz (Alicia Silverstone) is a wealthy and popular 15-year-old in Beverly Hills. She lives with her widowed father, Mel (Dan Hedaya), in an enormous house, enjoying the luxurious life that Mel provides as a very successful lawyer. Though good-natured, Cher is naive and caught up in a superficial lifestyle revolving around expensive clothes and the social hierarchy of her high school. Her best friend Dionne (Stacey Dash) has a similar outlook on life, though she dates a high school boy (Donald Fasion), which Cher claims is a pointless endeavor.

Chers debate teacher Mr. Hall (Wallace Shawn) gives her a C grade for the semester, which starts a dramatic chain of events. Dionne, who got a lackluster grade as well, hatches a plan with Cher to find a romantic interest for Mr. Hall, thus making him happy enough to consider boosting their grades. They select another teacher, Miss Geist (Twink Caplan), as the chief candidate, and slip a fake love letter into her mail cubby. She soon begins dating Mr. Hall, and both teachers become much more lax with their grading. Cher works her grade up to an A minus, which greatly impresses her father.

At home, Cher interacts with Josh (Paul Rudd), the college-age son of one of Mels ex-wives. Josh often stays at the Horowitz home to avoid his mother and new stepfather. He and Cher usually have a typical sibling relationship, with mild arguing and teasing. Josh is nearly the polar opposite of Cher: an earthy environmentalist do-gooder type.

Soon afterward, a new girl arrives at school. Tai Frasier (Brittany Murphy) is a grungy artist with a trusting disposition and a clueless grasp of high school popularity. Cher and Dionne befriend her, and decide to give her a makeover to improve her social standing. However, Tai sparks up a romance with a cheerful skateboarding stoner, Travis (Breckin Meyer). Cher attempts to steer Tai toward the rich and popular Elton (Jeremy Sisto), and leads her in workout sessions after school. Josh disapproves of Chers project with Tai, and accuses her of attempting to turn an innocent girl into a superficial brat.

Through a series of subtle hints, Cher gets Tai and Elton to notice each other. Tai is giddy with excitement, and Elton seems surprisingly receptive though he pays much more direct attention to Cher. To present the newly made-over Tai to the high school elite, Cher and Dionne bring her to a party. Once again they attempt to steer her toward Elton, and believe that they made a connection when Tai is knocked unconscious with a projectile shoe, and Elton revives her with an ice pack. However, when leaving the party, Cher winds up being driven home by Elton who makes a pass at her in the car, revealing that he had been interested in her all along. Cher is shocked and repulsed, and Elton abandons her in a parking lot far from home. Cher is immediately mugged, and is forced to call Josh on a payphone to come pick her up. On the drive home, Cher suggests that they pick up food for Mel and his fellow lawyers who are working on a difficult case at the house. Josh is impressed by Chers selfless act, and begins to form a new opinion of her.

Another new student arrives: a suave and handsome boy called Christian. Cher is taken with him immediately, and considers breaking her own rule of never dating a high school boy. The two become friends, and attend a party along with Tai. After Christian picks Cher up at the house, Josh is clearly envious and tells Mel that he will trail them to the party for Chers protection. Cher and Christian bond on the dance floor, while Tai is self-consciously standing alone in a corner (viewing Elton dancing with his new girlfriend, Chers social rival Amber). Josh arrives, and dances with Tai to cheer her up. Cher sees this and is surprised at his thoughtfulness.

Cher decides to move things forward with Christian, and invites him over one evening when her father is out. To her disappointment, he ignores her advances in favor of watching Tony Curtis movies. When driving with Dionne and her boyfriend Murray the next day, Cher laments her situation, causing Murray to burst out laughing and point out that Christian is obviously gay. Cher is embarrassed at her misconception, but still remains good friends with Christian.

While at the mall one day, Tai experiences a brush with death as some male acquaintances nearly drop her over the rail from the upper level. Though she escapes unscathed, Tai becomes something of a celebrity at school, surpassing Chers popularity and rebuffing her love interest Travis. Cher is troubled by this change in her friend.

Cher fails her long-anticipated drivers test, and returns home dejected. Tai confides in her that she has a crush on Josh after he had danced with her at the party. Cher is confused at the feelings of apprehension that arise in her, and tries to convince Tai that she and Josh do not mesh well together. Tai is affronted and insults Cher (Youre a virgin who cant drive.). A miserable Cher goes shopping to clear her head, and realized that she herself is in love with Josh.

In an effort to impress Josh, Cher volunteers at school to collect donations for victims of the Pismo Beach disaster. Josh is surprised at the dedication and selflessness that Cher is demonstrating. He and Cher also help Mel out with his case by doing paperwork at the house. Cher makes an error in her work and is insulted by an angry associate of Mels who leaves in a huff. Josh defends her, and they admit their feelings for each other.

Soon afterward, Miss Geist and Mr. Hall are married. Cher, Josh, Dionne, Murray, Tai, and Travis attend the wedding, with Cher skillfully catching the bouquet.

Komentar :

Cher adalah gadis anak orang kaya. Tetapi cher tidak seperti anak orang kaya lainnya yang sombong angkuh dan tidak ramah. Cher sangatlah baik tetapi cher tetap Fashionable. Cher suka membantu orang lain yang membutuhkan bantuan bahkan tekadang cher melupakan akan kebutuhannya sendiri. Film ini sangat cocok menemani liburan. Film ini sangatlah pasti digemari para remaja perempuan.

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